To search by keyword, at the top of the page, in the Search Download Center search box, type the word or words you wish to search for.To search more specifically for a product or download, on the menu bar displayed near the top of the page, click a menu name and then click a product or download.

To find products and downloads, in the navigation bar that appears across the center of the Download Center home page, click an icon.If you would like to search for specific downloads, start by using one of these methods. If you would like Microsoft to scan your computer and recommend updates, please see the preceding question. Items available as free downloads are linked to details pages, where you can learn more about them and initiate downloads. For your convenience, items available for purchase are linked directly to Microsoft Store. But, you don't need a user account to read these titles online, and they're all formatted nicely.The Microsoft Download Center has recently been revised to better serve you as a one-stop shop for products available for purchase, in addition to products and downloads available for free. The search box is basic and the only other way to find books is by scrolling through the author list. The website is really simple to use, but maybe too simple. In other words, you don't need to worry if you're looking at something illegal.

These are books in the public domain, which means they're freely accessible and allowed to be distributed. This site offers up a good selection of high-quality, free books you can read right in your browser.

Most books here are featured in English, but there are quite a few German language texts as well.

They're organized alphabetically by the author’s last name and are written in HTML and XHTML, which means they're in an easily readable format. Lacks books in foreign languages (except some German).Īuthorama offers a good selection of free books from a variety of authors, both current and classic.