Moreover, till the end of April Exlevel offers 25% discount on the plugin license. Added the MaxSctipt functions to access the Cache Mode parameters.Added the ability to affect to the Displace UVW Mapping parameters of some mesh builders.Added the ability to affect to the Material ID of the mesh builders.Added Path Pos – Min % and Path Pos – Max % parameters in the Instanced geometry, which will allow to control the appearance of the instanced objects along the parent path.

Added Use Last Level option in the Path and Path position distributor, which will allow using only the last level of the parent path.Added Color Channel and Color Mask options in the Surface distributor.No, you don´t NEED to own GrowFX to use Real Trees. Added a new Shape modifier that allows the user to modify lines of path by control points Version 1.4.0 (December 09, 2018) (Sketchup) Added SKETCHUP format with standard models and vray proxies Version 1.3.0 (December 14, 2017).Added full compatibility with 3ds Max 2019 (64-bit).What’s new in GrowFX 1.9.9 (Service pack 6) Exlevel released Service pack 6 for GrowFX 1.9.9, a plant modeling and animation plugin for 3ds Max.