Graphics: 1GB VRAM NVIDIA Geforce GTX 260 / ATI Radeon HD 4xxx.Outlast 2 Free Demo Minimum System requirement OUTLAST 2 will test your faith, pushing players to a place where going mad is the only sane thing to do.

Horror rises from desperation and blind faith. Human nature pushes us to extremes of violence and depravity, which we then justify by divine inspiration and a promise of paradise to come. But once the dust has settled, the victors get to decide who was right and who was wrong. It is a single-player survival horror game set in an asylum. Set in the same universe as the first game, but with different characters and a different setting, Outlast 2 is a twisted new journey into the depths of the human mind and its dark secrets. Play Outlast Game on PC, Xbox, and PS4 Download for Free Immerse into a Terrifying World and Experience Real Horror in Outlast Game Outlast is a horror survival game developed by Red Barrels and released in 2013.

Outlast 2 is the sequel to the acclaimed survival horror game Outlast. You can download Outlast 2 free demo until November 1. The game is slated to release in Q1, 2017. The game features a journalist roaming the Supai region of the Sonoran desert to explore the murder of a pregnant woman. It game is based on Action, Adventure, Survival This game was released for following platforms: : Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Microsoft Windows, Xbox One. Outlast 2 is the sequel to the ‘Outlast’ released in 2013. on Download Outlast For PC for free, the game size is 3GB. Outlast 2 is upcoming first-person survival horror video game for Xbox One, PC, and PS4. Outlast 2 Outlast: Whistleblower Xbox 360 PlayStation 4, outlast, video Game, playStation 4 png. Outlast 2 free demo is now available for on Xbox One and PC.