Nancy Drew will help you to be a junior or a senior detective in this game. Size: 1.8 MB, Price: Free, License: Freeware, Author: ScenicReflections () At least downloading her screensaver is no mystery. Nancy Drew is back and just as sharp as ever especially when it comes to crime. More by: relevance | popularity | freeware | mobile | title One person even compared it to the worst anime dub ever. The main character is Killia, a demon of the Netherworlds out to destroy the evil villain Void Dark with the “help” of the female demon Seraphina who seeks to have all men under her control. I found myself skipping the story sequences, especially when playing on the TV with other people around as the voice acting can get extremely grating. Together, they fight various other demonic overlords and form a rebel army to try and bring down the brute, bickering with each other and the rest of the party along the way. The story’s driving factor is simple, almost to the point of an absurdist anime.