Download free octopath champions of the continent
Download free octopath champions of the continent

download free octopath champions of the continent

While her elemental damage is average, the fact that it’s a multi-hit Dark attack makes it one of the rarer element types in the game.

download free octopath champions of the continent

2B (DPS, Breaker): When built properly, 2B can boast some of the most powerful attacks in the game courtesy of her one-hit giant attack with guaranteed crit when activated at max Boost.On top of his multi-hit capabilities, his high-enough single-target damage can make him a devastating DPS, especially when dishing out his Spear attacks at max Limit Breaks. Olberic (DPS, Breaker, Tank): Compared to other characters, Olberic has an extremely straightforward approach to combat.Moreover, his slate of debuffs can make opponents much easier to Break and hit. Falco (DPS, Buffer, Debuffer): With Thieves having some of the best DPS in the game’s meta, Falco’s Dagger buffs work perfectly with boosting a Thief team’s damage output even further.Not only that, building W’ludai properly can bring her first to the initiative order and dictate the flow of combat. W'ludai (DPS, Tank, Breaker): When built properly, W’ludai is able to pull off incredible sustains in the thick of combat due to her highest-damage skill also offering heals.However, Therion needs the right ATK boosts in order to fulfill his damage potential. Therion (DPS, Breaker, Debuffer): His multi-hit kit possessing the option to double cast already puts Therion on top of the DPS game in sheer damage alone.

download free octopath champions of the continent

While many of these units are all-rounders, certain units in this Tier specialize in particular combat strategies, necessitating players to mix and match them with the appropriate teammates. These characters are considered part of the current meta, where players who acquire them can help teams shine with their current skillset. Fans of JRPGs like Fire Emblem would likely understand how exceptionally-powerful characters in a strategy game like Champions of the Continent are must-haves in a team, with these units often dictating a player’s recommended combat loadout.

Download free octopath champions of the continent